
Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'll start on Monday.......again!!!

Hi, Baluga whale here. I can't count the times that I've told myself that I'll start working out on Monday. I'll start counting my calories on Monday. I'm really going to get serious on Monday.

Well, I've heard that you need to be accountable to someone. So if this isn't being accountable I don't know what is!!! I've got to throw those gazillion excuses out the window. They're all used up.

I don't know who I've become lately. I wear old 5k sweatshirts and flip flops. Did I really just say flip flops out loud? Oh my word. I love working out. I love the time to myself. I LOVE the fresh air. I HAVE a gym membership. I love how I walk even taller when I feel and look good. I love being able to wear anything in my closet. Yet, I haven't gotten out there. I'm too tired, the kids early morning classes won't allow me to workout like I'd like to, the kids are sick, the babies are awake, I only workout in the morning. Blah Blah Blah

And my eating, wow. I'm just eating whatever the heck in lying around. Eating KID food and garbage. Eating and eating because I'm home all day. Oh my heck, see I'm so full of excuses.

D was rubbing my tummy the other day. Actually jiggling it. I told him to stop it while I giggled. He said, "I like jiggling your fat". "You did not just say that! It may be fat, but you're supposed to call it love muscle", I laughed. He then told me that after seventeen years it doesn't matter.

Okay, how cute was that? But how totally jacked up is that too? Whatever? It does too matter. I don't want to be that. I want to be the girl I was just eighteen months ago.

So...........I'm going to. Holy crap that's scary. Now you're all going to be watching me.

C drives now. So that's no early morning seminary drives for me. I'll tell him to have a good day, and I'm out the door before he is. I'm going to have my hour run to myself. Time to make it happen. Hooray for that. And I'll be doing my cousin's workouts. Racqetball on Wednesdays. And eating, counting those calories and no more kid food. Not even for the kids.

This Baluga is going to kick the whale stage goodbye. She's going to wear her good clothes again. No wonder I'm out in sweats picking up sandwiches with the kids. See what I mean. I'm usually decked out with heels on. Yip, true even at 5'11".

Great jeans, gut gone, 1/2 marathon....they're calling my name.

Woohoo. Starting on Monday.


NelsonFamily said...

You are not a just had a baby. You go girl. Work hard and you can do it. It's amazing how many times we gain and lose with those babies. Hope this is your last time!

Cheri said...

GOOD FOR YOU... I love it when people get motivated. The one thing that ALWAYS works for me it accountability. so find someone or some place that you have to be accountable to and you will do so much better. You will workout at 9pm just to get it in even if you are dead tired. The other thing that I think people don't pay enough attention to is their diet. Really eat consciencely.. Make sure you know everything that goes into your mouth. at least for the first couple of weeks. When I get serious I use a food journal. Then you can see where your calories are coming from. GOOD LUCK if you are serious about doing a 1/2 marathon let me know I would like to do it with you if I can make it work.

Lorilee said...

That whale was funny. It would have been funnier if you would have photoshoped your head and put it on his body. But then again, that would have NOT been realistic. I think that is my problem...I don't watch what I eat lately. I am excersizing sorta. Let's get MOTIVATED!

Amy said...

Whoo-Hoo! Love muscle huh? I'm with you... I've got big plans this year! Already down 14 lbs since we got to Florida! Yippee!

Anonymous said...

Good for you Ton.... You can do it!! I believe in you!!
I totally agree with you that no matter after how long, it does matter :) -Stew

Anonymous said...

Baluga Whales are awesome.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
