
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Finally...A Merry Christmas!

I'm just about ready for Christmas. Maybe I am ready. I'll have to look at my list again. My menu is planned and tucked away in the fridge. My gifts are wrapped. My goodies are delivered. Oh, ya, I do need some new pjs from the Christmas Eve Elf. I guess that's tomorrow.

We decorated our gingerbread houses tonight. The kids enjoyed that.

My brother came today. He'll be spending Christmas with us if he can handle little g for a few days! He, my brother, is so great. The kids love him to death. He's 6'8" and was cute enough to climb into this tiny house and then let the kids pile in on top of him. He's going to be a good dad and a great husband some day!

I got the girls their Christmas dresses a couple of months ago. They're too cute.

It's freezing today. Of course it's all relative! lol

As I've been running in and out of a gazillion stores the past couple of weeks I've continually heard, "Happy Holidays". Ya, it's nice to hear. Yes, it's politically correct. But finally, finally, someone wished me a Merry Christmas. I walked out of the store on a high. I thought, "Wow, that girl has guts to say "Merry Christmas" these days. But it was so nice. Someone FINALLY said what they believed.

Got me I have or have I had enough guts to wish someone else a Merry Christmas?

I'm going to tomorrow. If someone wished me a "Happy Hanuka", I wouldn't be offended. I'd just say thanks and be on my way. So why is it that we don't dare say Merry Christmas? Yes, I live in a diverse place, which I love. But hey, I'm going to wish people "Merry Christmas" tomorrow when I go get me my pjs that will be given to me from the Christmas Eve Elf.

Merry Christmas!!


Amy said...

Merry Christmas to you!!!

aunt jan said...

So glad big B was with you for CHRISTMAS. I, too, am always happy when I hear Merry Christmas. Hope your big day was everything you wanted it to be! Love you!

LeAnne said...

Most of the world is Christian. Most of the world believes in some supreme being. So why can't they say Merry Christmas? The one's who say that's politically correct, are dummies! Political correctness is just dumb. Merry Christmas!