Good Morning everyone.
As I went down the stairs this morning, C said, "This is going to be such a good day". (Just hearing that from a teenager is huge!) With a huge grin on his face he went on to say how he was going to be able to run at lacrosse practice today, (he's been patiently waiting for SEVEN weeks due to his fracture in his knee), and run in P.E. That was equally exciting to him. And then to top it off, he has hopes of getting his first car this week. He's saved money for years. He'll be handing it over to my parents for one of their cars as they go off on their mission. He feels guilty buying it from them. He's realizing that he got a GOOD deal. We just sit and laugh our heads off when we look at cars on Craig's List. I pointed out, that maybe he was being blessed for being a full tithe payer. (Love those teaching opportunities)
After I dropped him off at seminary, I went for a run. It was gorgeous outside. Just me, my ipod and the fresh air. It's been a long time. I listened to my newest download by Kelly Clarkson the entire run. (Ya, I do that. I run new songs into the ground.) "My Life Would Suck Without You". Of course, my boys and I say "stink". I've listened to "Love Story" by Taylor Swift a gajillion times in the past few weeks.
G and J have school out today. I think we'll go feed the ducks with a ton of loaves of bread. B can go through a couple just by herself. I better get her plenty, because when she runs out of bread, she throws my keys, fruitsnacks and whatever else she can find. Then lucky me gets to fish them out of that oh so very clean water. Ahhh
My face has been spoiled lately. It's had nivea all over it. Thanks to Amy for introducing it to me.
And how about that "Pay it forward" thing? Well, I've never had so many comments in my life. Too bad they were from the same three people including my brother that doesn't want to participate. LOL So, if anyone wants me to make them something...write me a dang comment.
I'm having a hack up a lung fest over here. Sure we'll see the Dr. today. It's my home away from home. I was only there six times last week. That's only two or three times actually, when you have several kids.
Let's see. What else? Oh ya, can't wait to see if Jason picks the right girl on the Bachelor tonight. Actually, he won't. He got rid of her last week. The guys never pick the right one. I being a Bachelor watcher, know which girls are the right ones. It's so easy. If they could only watch all the edited shows that we watch.
I guess that's all.
Well, how was that for a lot of nothing? Have a good day everyone.
5 years ago
Hey Tonia-
I am trying to get better at leaving comments on blogs so if there is a possibility of any sort of reward here it goes. #1 I can't wait for the day when anyone of my children will wake up and say it is going to be a good day.(There is something to be said for trials or realizing that we take things for granted.)#2 Now this happened a while ago but please give Twilight another chance. #3 As you know I ran that 1/2 marathon in January and I was only 3 min. off of my goal @ 10min. pace so I am pleased. I have dropped the ball and only ran 2 or 3 times since. I miss is but at the same time for me it is such a struggle. So when you said that you went for a run today just you and your ipod I am starting to remember what I do love and miss about it.
S. Loveland
I loved your comments on a good day! Hope no one is too seriously ill with the lung hacking and all.
I second the notion on the give Twilight another chance! I read them all in like 2 weeks. hehehe the boys were freaking out @ the lack of attention :) Good for you on the running I do not enjoy exercise but a good run alone really clears the head. Thanks for the Bday Wishes! Take care of that cough & hope everyone feels better!
I am happy for you and your good morning. I NEED to remember that it is what you make of it. No one can force you to have a good or bad day. The choice is ours. Thanks for the reminder.
I could have beat Jason up for his retarded choice of cations. I can't even imagine what Melissa is going through. And her parents...
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