
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Being the oldest

After reading the scriptures as a family tonight, D pulled C aside. I sat there and listened to the counsel my husband was giving to my son. D admitted tonight that it just hit him that C would be on a mission in just a year and a half. He talked to him about learning how to teach and that the time was now to prepare to someday serve the Lord as a full time LDS missionary. C is preparing and looking forward to that day with great anticipation.

Just before the conversation ended, D told C that he loved him and that he knew what was on his shoulders. (Being the oldest child. It's something that the three of us have in common.) I was glad that he recognized that.

As they both stood up, D told his oldest son that Heavenly Father chose him to be the oldest for a reason. It was very touching. Not only was my husband that much more handsome at that very moment, but I was touched also thinking about my own birth order. Was I too chosen to be the oldest for a reason?

I remember not thinking it was fair that my sisters got to wear nail polish at an earlier age than I did. Or that my youngest sister got her ears pierced years before the age of sixteen. Or the fact that ALL the sisters seemed to copy everything I did. We had the same hair dos, played the same sports, played the same instruments, etc. And then when I left home it seemed as though the family had a newer car, new carpet, and went on longer vacations. I was clearly the experiment. Or so I kept telling my parents.

I grew up though and those thoughts didn't last long. I could see clearly that I did in fact like my birth order.

I'm grateful that I'm the oldest. I'm humbled that I was chosen or trusted to be the oldest.

Just before C left the room, my thoughts returned to the conversation between C and D. I then told C that I loved him and that I was grateful that he was my oldest. He gave me a sweet smile and headed off to bed.

I loved watching an oldest son talk to his oldest son in a way that could only build him up. Have I mentioned that I love him? Oh, I do love that man.


LeAnne said...

I want a man like that some day. You are one lucky person

Erika said...

I can't believe C is so old!! Mission is just around the corner. Crazy.

Amy said...

Love this post!! They get big too quickly! Lucky you that you have all those youngsters running around! They'll keep you youthful!