
Friday, January 22, 2010

I am a happy mother

I woke up this morning to snow on the mountains just west of me. They're beautiful. The sun even peeked through the clouds today.


My fix-it man put locks on the girls' closet doors today. It's awesome! Wahahaha

As I left the mailbox that's across the cul-de-sac, D pulled in and teased me like he was going to run me over. I jumped on the front and waved to all the cul-de-sac neighbors like the prom royalty in my small home town. It was too fun being silly. Loved it.

Darn those girls, I hear their drawers being pulled in and out. That's on tomorrow's list.

My fix-it man wondered about the "dishwasher thing" today. I said, "Oh, I installed a new one yesterday". LOL It was too funny. If you know me, I can't just sit around when I'm capable of doing things myself. I couldn't just let him think that I'm a wife just sitting around. It was a riot seeing his response. It was even better when he had to go inspect it to see how I did. Ha ha

Remember this face?

I was holding little g this week and I told him how much I loved him. He then gave me this face again. I told him that Heavenly Father must really love me. I asked him if he new why. He just smiled at me. I responded, "Because He gave me, you". He then nodded his head and said, "Ya, because He decorated me". I smiled back confused out of my mind. Then I realized that he meant, "Ya, because He CREATED me." Oh, I love that kid.

J somehow fell back onto the running treadmill today and got a burn on his shoulder. It stung so he made some contraption to keep it from hurting. He pulled his sleeve down over his shoulder and had a strip of clear moving tape holding his shirt down so that it wouldn't irritate the burn.

He wasn't especially fond of my Taco Rice Casserole tonight. He whined, moaned, cried and complained all throughout dinner. He wasn't going to have frozen custard if he didn't finish his dinner. He ate all but a couple of bites. We decided that he could have a cone rather than a concrete. We were all laughing in the car about it and then he said, "It's not my fault". We were like, "huh?" He then broke out into tears saying, "It's not my fault that I only had one arm". He was dead serious. C, A, and I couldn't hold it back. We were laughing our heads off! That was his excuse as to why he didn't finish all of his dinner. It's still one of the funniest things I've ever heard, but it was down right cruel the way we laughed our heads off when he was so serious.

G came to J's rescue in the car. It was very noble of him. He told us (me included) that we were being bullies to J. It was neat to hear him stick up for him. He even moved over a seat to sit next to him.

I'm learning Spanish. The boys were really cute and helped me with a bunch of verb conjugations tonight. They laugh their heads off at me, but I don't care because it's something that we can do together.

Yo soy una madre contento. Buenas noches.


Cheryl said...

BuenAs Noches ;)


Lorilee said...

I love that HF decorated G. Sorry to hear about J's shoulder and the lack of eating ability. Glad to hear that G is on the rescue from the bullies in your family.

Erika said...

I love it when kids are cute. It makes the messes and craziness a little more handleable.

Love the snowy mountains too! Pretty!