
Friday, March 19, 2010

D's "Christmas"

Yesterday D woke up to the smell of bacon cooking and followed the scent downstairs. He then found himself a plate heaped full of bacon, runny eggs, grapes, toast, potatoes and orange juice. It's his favorite breakfast in the world. He thinks the combination of the toast, runny egg and orange juice together in one bite is about the best thing ever. (I gag when I think of it, because eggs are about the most vile thing out there! But this is about D, not me).

As he was eating his breakfast he discovered a stocking stashed full of his favorites. Pistachios, Reese's, berry gummy lifesavers, Hot Tomales, Black licorice and some gum. You know it has to be "Christmas" if he's getting gum. No other time in my life would I give that guy some gum. He can chomp his gum better than anyone I know!! He's usually forbidden to chew gum because he's so out of control with it. Anyway...

He was geared up, had taken work off, had his comfy clothes on, brackets all filled out and was ready to sit on the couch for the next few days watching the NCAA basketball tournament. It's actually called March Madness, but in our house we refer to it as D's or dad's Christmas. He loves it. It's his time.

I used to get aggrivated how he would take work off to watch games. I thought of all the things we could do with the money he would have made, or the vacations we could have gone on. I'd get huffy over the fact that he would just sit on the couch all day and I would still be a mother cleaning, caring for, driving around, etc. But, over the years I've grown up. I've realized that he's a good provider, he takes care of our physical needs, and he has always been good to me letting me do things. I've gone to lunch, dinner and movies with my friends, I've gone on several spontaneous trips, I've had family stay to visit, sisters that have lived with us, he's hired two different sisters as nanny's, I've been to girls camp twice, I play volleyball twice a week, I left the country for 8 days, and I met with someone about my anxiety.

So how, HOW in the world could I not give this man I love his "Christmas"?

I'd be an ungrateful fool.

Plus, if I win on one of my brackets, I smell a basketball court coming soon. lol He always gives prizes, dinner, or money to whomever wins the brackets in our family. I won two years ago and said that I wanted my paver patio done. I was joking, but there's always a little truth in it. After teasing him about it for awhile, I got it. I'm crossing my fingers.

Merry Christmas honey. It's good to have you home.


aunt jan said...

A marriage manual in a simple blog. You must have read "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands." A good and necessary read for all wives, but I think you've got things covered. Wise woman. Happy man. Contented family.

tgood said...

I love that you called it 'runny eggs.' It must be a Wood thing. Geoff makes fun of me because I call it 'runny eggs,' and every time we go to Denny's I have to ask him what the real name is... But runny eggs with toast, mmmm it's delicious!!

Erika said...

I LOVE "pop" eggs as we call them. And I would have to agree...doesn't get much better than some pop eggs and toast for breakfast. I used to love OJ with it too, until heartburn overtook my life! Yummmm.

LeAnne said...

I've never met anyone that crazy about basketball. You must be one patient wife. Way to go!

Cheri said...

How fun for you to participate with your man. We have a few sporting events at our house that are never missed so instead of complaining the best thing to do is embrace them. fun post..