
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time to lay off

Today S and I were at the counter eating guacamole when B walked up and climbed up on her chair. She stood there staring at the two of us for a few seconds when she then asked, "That stinkies?"

I laughed and then had to tell her that no, we were NOT eating stinkies but guacamole. She then repeated the word guacamole but wasn't sold on it.

My first thought was, "Good, more for us", but then it turned into, "I'm having a hard time eating a food that my daughter thinks is stinkies".

So, I may lay off the Mexican for awhile. We've been going strong for quite some time now. I LOVE it!!


Amy said...

What a cutie! We LOVE guacamole around here!

Cheri said...

I love Mexican food too. The problem is guacamole doesn't really like me so I have to eat it in small doses.

Lynn said...