As for the big laughs with my sisters and mom... it's going to be even bigger now!
I made the climb. I made it to the top. I've faced my fears and got my mouth caught up on all my dental work including NO silver fillings anymore. Sound simple? Not for someone that has had dental anxiety since she was a little girl.
As I sat there in one of D's chairs today, I couldn't help but think back fourteen years ago when I first sat in one of his chairs at the dental school. It was a loooooooooooong process. Every step had to be passed off by an instructor. I thought of the stories that I would hear every time we were with other students back then. One friend didn't want to mess up on the dental board so he hand picked the ENTIRE filling rather than using a drill. Remembering stories of all the first year dental students learning to give shots by giving them to each other. Stories of trench mouth, green fur growing on teeth, and a friend spraying on cold to see which tooth was sensitive rather than touching it with a q-tip. Oh those were fun years. Then! I'm glad we're where we are now!!
D, thank you for being patient with me all these years. Thank you for letting me run to the restroom four times per visit due to nerves. Thanks for giving me kisses right after my numbing injections. Who else can say that? Well, not many.
I kind of felt bad having you remove my last "silver" today. I know it represented all your hard work to getting us where we are today. (I was one of his board patients for the state he's practicing in.)
You've come a long way baby! Although my nerves were still all over the place, I knew you would take good care of me. And you did. Maybe it was that kiss in between. Maybe it was the smell of your new cologne on your neck. Yes, I'm sure that was it.
What ever it was, or how ever I did it, I DID it! I'm going to bed smiling, grateful, thankful and happy tonight. Dr., care to join me?
sounds like you need laughing gas next time. It does wonders and you just might learn to love the dentist and want to clean his office every night.
I need the silver out of my mouth. I was laughing my big laugh when a little girl saw up into my mouth and asked what all that silver stuff was. I just may go to my grave with it and the resurrection will take care of it....
You are adorable! It's a little like me flying with Jake. Not a fan of flying, but when he's at the controls, it's not so bad. :)
I've never had silver fillings. I got cavities after they made white fillings. I'm lucky that way I guess. No need to be nervous, I'm sure Darren is a great dentist!
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