
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Recognizing the blessings

So, my missionary has been gone over four weeks!  That is crazy.  The time is flying by for both he and our family left here behind.  We've all adjusted to our new lives without each the same house.  He is enjoying it.  He's learning and loving Spanish.  He's saying that his favorite book in the whole world is the Book of Mormon.  He attends the temple once a week and loves the Spirit that he feels there.  He's eating healthier than he ever has and he's realizing that it feels good.  Duh.  He's recognizing miracles and feeling peoples prayers on his behalf.  He's telling us that we need to share the gospel with our friends and neighbors.  He's wanting us to recognize the blessings.

He writes home saying how he wants his brothers to stay strong.  He encourages them.  He suggests that D and I attend the temple even more often.  Perhaps weekly.  So, I am.  It's amazing how when you say that you're going to do something, it happens.  There is time to attend the temple.  I've been going.  It was a beautiful day there today with newly wed brides around the temple grounds.

I really missed him today.  Missing his voice and his hugs.  His loud singing around the house and the way that he tickles B.  But, then I think about my decision to attend the temple often, our family prayers and scripture study, tender mercies, the younger boys' desires to serve missions, and enjoying my new church calling I know that I am recognizing those blessings my nineteen year old told us to look for.  And then I know it's all worth it.  Plus, knowing that I'll get a phone call from him on the 27th doesn't hurt at all either.  :)

C, although I wish you were in my arms today, I know that you are where you are supposed to be.  I'm recognizing the blessings that come from you serving the Lord.  Our family is being blessed. 

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