
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembering our Veterans

Oh, I loved today. I love every Veteran's Day. I wish it were more than just one day a year. Seriously, we should recognize them more than that!

For Family Home Evening we discussed what we would do for our Vets this year. We had a good discussion. We told the children of their own family members that had served in various branches of the military. We pointed out the sacrifices that each of them had made for each one of us.

I've had a special place in my heart for Veterans ever since I can remember. I remember hearing a story when I was young about a young man that had served in the Vietnam War. When upon returning home his older brother was then drafted to the Vietnam War. Having known what the war was about and the horror having seen it first hand, returned to Vietnam in his brother's place so that his older brother wouldn't have to go to war to see and experience all that he had.

That Vietnam vet was my uncle. He went back so that my dad wouldn't have to. Can you even imagine? I can't. He's been a hero in my eyes for years. That war changed his life. He's struggled, but I've always loved him. I've been his number one fan.

We did our usual calls to our family vets today. They were cute. My aunt kidded that she sat around all day waiting for us to call and sing to her. That made me happy. Love you aunt Nae.

I wrote letters to veterans that have lived in our wards here. We delivered them with Rice Crispy Treat Kisses and sang "our" song. The kids thought it was torture and dumb. I reassured them that it made people's day to know that someone remembered them. I think it was the fact that they weren't hiding behind a phone. It was fun and I love our tradition.

So, my dad is a veteran. I couldn't call him seeing how he's in the MTC right now. That was hard. I so badly wanted to thank him for his service and sacrifice even more so than on his birthday or Christmas morning.

My dad was drafted in the army. He learned two languages. One he never used. He was sent far away with me and my mom when I was a baby. He served three years. THREE years. That's a lot to be drafted for when you're in the middle of schooling, serving a mission and newly married. When I think about his service and sacrifice I can't help but think of my mom too. It's not always just the vets that make that sacrifice.

So to you Dad and Mom, thank you. Thank you for your service. Thank you for the sacrifices that you made on behalf of our country. Thank you for NEVER saying a negative thing about it. What an example. What patriotism. It's through your example that I have learned to love my country and those that serve it. I'm trying to instill those same values in my children.

To all you vets or those that are serving our country today. I thank you. I thank you for your courage. I admire your willingness and dedication to serve our country. I appreciate the sacrifices that you and your families make on a daily basis so that our country remains free. I love your patriotism and how your wore or wear your uniform with pride.

I'm grateful. I'm blessed. I love our Vets!

Did you thank a vet today?


Lorilee said...

I lvoe telling that story to my kids every year. They can hardly wait to see him at Thanksgiving. Thanks for the memories.

I forgot to tell you how much I love your doors. How inviting.

Lorilee said...

I really can spell LOVE, it just looks like I can't.

Amy said...

What a great post! Thank you for writing it!

Em said...

Thanks for the reminder!

Cheri said...

Thanks so much for sharing and remembering how great our family is!